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Waiting for Motivation is a waste of time! - here’s what you can do instead!

The new year is coming! 🎉

And after the year we’ve had in 2020, motivation to set new riding goals might not be free flowing right now.

But looking back, how many times have we said things like “I’m waiting to feel more motivated to ride...”

or “I’m waiting for Inspiration to set new goals or get started...”

Umm.... Nope, I don’t believe in “waiting to feel motivated.”🤦🏼‍♀️

Years, money and time are wasted by us waiting for inspiration and motivation.

Not ridden for years or months because your waiting for motivation...

Not started your horses fitness/training plan because your waiting for motivation...

Not cleaned your tack because your waiting to feel more motivated...

Not set any new riding goals because your waiting for inspiration...

Motivation is CREATED and EARNED - by our actions and mindset. 🙌

So here is what I believe in ⬇️

I believe in taking action and THEN motivation kicks in!

and THEN you feel inspired! 🙌

Here is why:

No growth or learning happens from staying in one place.

No results or progress appear from doing nothing.

Yes, a coach can kick your butt into gear and make you accountable but you must get rid of your excuses and STOP waiting for motivation to show up for you. it won’t!

We must create it! It is earned!

Willpower (and motivation) is like a muscle.

The more you train it the stronger it gets. 💪

So what can YOU do to create some motivation ready for 2021?

🐴 Break things down and stay regular

Knowing what you want to achieve is great, but can feel overwhelming if we don’t take it one step at a time.

Know what your next baby step is and take them regularly (daily/weekly) to keep momentum going.

🐴Surround yourself with positivity

If there’s people around you who seem to sap the energy and motivation and positivity right out of you! Then perhaps it’s time to put a few horses lengths between you. Protect your vibe!

Seek out the things that help you feel more positive! - Morning positive affirmations

- Connect with driven equestrians who share your goals

- Watch motivational videos and speakers on YouTube

🐴Create a vision board

If you are a visual person, creating a vision board is a great way to stay connected with your goals and fun to do!

🐴Set SMART goals





Time frame

🐴 Reward yourself.

Yes it seems simple and possibly silly to reward yourself for getting on your horse but trust me, your unconscious mind reacts to rewards and praise like a 5 year old child! Even if your reward is just a cup of tea in peace and a biscuit...

make sure your mind knows your proud of the effort it’s making.

🐴 Self Belief

If you’d like help working through some limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and work to replace them with new, empowering beliefs, then check out my Rider Mindset Bootcamp course. Just 4 Modules (plus bonus material!) to work through in your own time. Click here

🐴 Focus on your positives

whats going well?

what can you already do well?

what are your horses strengths?

🐴 Recognise and monitor your progress

Do you ever say “oh it’s all him!” Or “I’m so lucky!”

Devaluing your hard work and your input doesn’t help us.

Whilst praising our horses is absolutely necessary, it is also important to see and recognise your own progress. And not out your success solely down to your horse, trainer, friends etc...


This is such a powerful tool when we use it well!

Use your imagination to see, hear and feel what it would be like to achieve your riding goals! And soak up all that positive emotion!

🐴Be kind to yourself

On days when your not kicking it, it’s much better to be kind to ourselves and acknowledge perhaps we need a day off than go down the self destructive negative self talk route.

What Motivation creating will you be doing?

And What do you want to create motivation for? 🏇

If you'd like to read more tips or follow me via social media you can find me on Facebook here

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