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“I don’t think I’ll ever ride again...” 😔

“I don’t think I’ll ever ride again...” 😔

Yep, that was me.

I said that.

Me. The girl who would ride any horse, back in the day!💪

I don’t share my story very often, about losing my own confidence riding and with horses, but I’m going to attempt to do it now. ⬇️

I’d spent my whole childhood dreaming of horses. 🐎

I then spent my life working with them.

I have acumulated over the years so many bad riding accidents.

The worst were -

Being put through a fence

Bolted off with across a main road

Kicked in the stomach

Chased by a dog

And being catapulted through the air by a leaping vertical buck.

I have had concusion so bad I temporarily lost memory

I’ve never been fearless, I don’t believe in it. But I loved my job and I loved horses. I would take risk for what I loved so much.

It was my dream after all...

As I got older I started to develop a negative view on my ability, which I’d never had before, I doubted myself more and more. 😔

When I had to take some time out from horses having my second son, I lost it all.

I lost all of my confidence and all I had left was fear and anxiety at the thought of doing anything with a horse.

I remember the day I said to my dad “I don’t think I’ll ever ride again.”

And do you know what, that scared me more!

Not having this amazing love in my life scared me more, not doing what I’d always dreamed of doing.

So I set out to find some answers.

There are many!

Not all good ones.

But the right roads lead me to NLP.

I knew little about it but decided to give it a go.

(NLP - Neuro Linguistic programming

Basically the best bits of psychology!)

It’s been emotional, frustrating, enlightening, hard work. But I did it! And you can too!

After being so lost and feeling so bad and truly believing I would never ride again, even now, every day I am in the saddle I can know “I’m winning!”

Everything else is a bonus.

And I am telling you this because I know there are others just like I was.

I know how it feels.

And I want you to know I understand and you are not alone.

But above all, it’s NOT your fault and you CAN feel better.

I now specialise in helping riders through confidence issues and am a qualified NLP coach and Time Line Therapy practitioner along side my practical lessons as a UKCC level 2 coach.

I know it can be hard to talk about these things or in the beginning, believe that changing is possible.

But please know, my inbox is always open and I WANT you to talk to me about it.

I never thought I would ride again, let alone have my own ex racehorse!

It all starts with your mind 🧠

“Imagine how you could be, if you were less afraid...”

Find me on Facebook here

Sam x

UKCC level 2 Equestrian Coach

NLP Coach

Time Line Therapy practitioner


Empowered Equestrian Coach

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